Oral health

gthelp78 Blog

Oral hygiene is the ideal way to enjoy good oral health, since it removes the remains of food from the mouth, favors a good taste, prevents odor and creates a sense of comfort in the oral cavity, also improving the aesthetics and the quality of life of people, but above all represents an effective method to maintain good oral health, because it contributes to the prevention of the two most frequent oral diseases: dental caries and periodontal disease.

A proper tooth brushing needs a minimum of 3 minutes to be effective. The procedure should be performed 3 times a day, especially after meals, without forgetting the hygiene before sleeping at night and have proof of this. Following this practice, a conventional toothbrush can last 2-3 months, when the brush is already widely used, the tufts or bristles fray and lose their consistency and activity, decreasing their ability to clean and increasing the possibility of injuring the gum and cause wear of the neck of the teeth.

When we brush the tooth surfaces, we reduce the bacteria and food residues with sugar content which prevents tooth decay. When we brush, the gums of the teeth, we eliminate the bacteria that can inflame them and cause the destruction of the dental support, causing its loosening and loss of the teeth over the years.

Sometimes, there may be bleeding during and after brushing teeth, but this is not important, brushing should not be stopped; this bleeding is due to the inflammation of the gums.

It is important that patients are informed that not to pass the brush in a rustic way is all solved. It is necessary to try to cross all the corners of the mouth with the bristles of the brush, and next one will explain how to do it.

The outer faces of the teeth should be brushed. From the last upper and lower molars on one side of the mouth to those on the other side, brush up and down the brush, following the vertical orientation of the teeth to eliminate all the remains of food there.

The same will be done, but on the internal faces of the teeth, with which the food is chewed. There you should brush along the line of the teeth.

The brushing of the teeth does not have to be strong and painful. Making it hurt will not bring anything but blood. It is important to do it gently and without damaging the gums, although it must be done repeatedly.

Halitosis or bad breath

Bad breath or halitosis affects approximately 25% of people, in 90% of cases this bad breath originates in the oral cavity and the rest due to systemic disorders (in the rest of the body).

Within the oral cavity the problem is caused by gum disease (gingivitis, periodontitis) and pericoronitis (when the wisdom tooth is in the process of eruption).

Also in infectious processes at the dental level (fistulas, abscesses) and dental destruction due to open caries and accumulation of food residues in them.

Another reason is fixed prostheses (crowns, bridges) and restorations (amalgams, resins) filtered by caries and removable prostheses (complete or partial) old.

But the most common cause of halitosis at the buckle level is originated in the subdural and hairy tongue. The tongue has different types of papillae (they look like rigidities in the tongue) where different types of bacteria accumulate (among them those responsible for bad breath). There are languages ​​in which this accumulation of bacteria occurs more easily, among them the hairy tongues (the papillae are longer, therefore the tongue is rougher) it is what you see on your tongue with a whiter coloration or stained with colors and bad breath appearing.

Having hairy tongue is not a disease and therefore you do not have to treat it, you just have to sanitize the tongue correctly.

To treat halitosis at first you would have to go to the doctor to rule out any kind of illness that may have as a bad sign the breath and if you use drugs in a chronic way, it is necessary to check with your doctor if these medicines decrease the production of saliva. If there is no systemic cause it is necessary to consult the dentist to perform an oral examination.

Brushing the tongue

The brushing of the tongue and the palate allows to diminish the remains of foods the bacterial plate and the number of microorganisms, the correct technique to brush the tongue consists of placing the brush as far back as possible without inducing nausea, and with the bristles pointing towards the pharynx. A sweep is made forward, and the movement is repeated six to eight times, the use of toothpaste leads to obtain better results.

The purchase of a “clean tongues” is not a brush, with rare shape, it is a plastic element with a horseshoe shape.

Cleaning is done by reaching as far back as possible from the tongue and scraping forward a few times each time teeth are cleaned

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