Oral hygiene of the cat

gthelp78 Blog

Bad breath, tartar, gingivitis … Unpleasant for both you and your cat. To avoid them and thus delay a future descaling, an interview of the mouth of your cat is essential! Constraints? So little when you think about the well-being of your cat, his health but also your comfort!

Why maintain my cat’s mouth?

Even if the phenomenon is less pronounced in the cat than in the dog, the cats also have a natural predisposition to make dental plaque and tartar which are deposited on the enamel of the teeth and insinuate between the tooth and the gum.

This phenomenon, known as periodontal disease, causes bad breath, loose teeth and infections such as gingivitis. Some cats can lose almost all of their teeth if the maintenance of their mouth is not done regularly.

The odors associated with tartar and infection are not pleasant for the cat or those around him. Dental problems are always accompanied by pain, even if the cat does not express it.

How to maintain my cat’s mouth?

As with humans, oral health involves regular tooth brushing. It is necessary to accustom your cat from the youngest age. Brushing must be done vertically on all teeth, with a descaling paste for cats and a very soft brush or a fingerstall at least twice a week. Rinsing is not necessary. When brushing is impossible, other products to combat dental problems can be used: chewable tablets or sprayers.

Discover a selection of products adapted for the oral hygiene of your cat in the form of toothpastes, food mixing powder or solution to be added to the drinking water.

When should you have your teeth scaled?

When the amount of tartar is too important, dental care is to be performed by a veterinarian. The descaling is performed with an ultrasound device identical to that used by dentists. This operation requiring the absolute immobility of the cat during a great moment is carried out only under general anesthesia. It is also the occasion, if necessary, to extract the loose or decayed teeth, thus painful, and possibly to practice stitches to help the gums to heal.

There is no definite age for dental practice. It is necessary to monitor and brush regularly to delay the tartar deposition.

Can descaling cause the teeth to fall?

Descaling does not cause the teeth to fall. On the contrary, it is a prevention against any dental problem. If teeth need to be removed after descaling, it is because the care has been implemented too late!

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